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1 Key Question to Shift Your Focus from Problems to Solutions

decision making growth mindset strengthen resilience
Young woman with a smile on her face working at a desk.


When life throws challenges your way, it’s easy to feel stuck.


You may find yourself thinking about what went wrong, replaying events in your head, or feeling overwhelmed by what’s ahead. But focusing on the problem won't get you where you want to be.


Instead, shift your focus to solutions.


Think about this: What’s one thing you can do right now to improve your situation? Even a small step can help you move forward. This is where your power lies!


Why Focus on Solutions?

When you face difficulties, your mind often goes to the negative. You wonder why things went wrong. You think about what could have been. But staying in this mindset too long doesn't help you move forward.


Instead of dwelling on what you can't change, look for what you can do. Ask yourself:

  • What is one small step I can take right now?
  • How can I make a positive change today?
  • What resources or help do I need to move forward?


When you focus on solutions, you take back control. You build your strength. You start to see yourself as capable and strong, rather than stuck and defeated.


Start Small, Build Momentum

You don’t need to have all the answers at once. Begin with just one small action. Here’s how:

  • Break down the problem: What part of it can you tackle today?
  • Choose one small step: Pick something easy and doable.
  • Take that step: Don’t overthink it. Just do it.


For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by a project at work, don’t worry about the entire project. Start with one small task. Maybe it’s sending an email, making a list, or setting a timer for 15 minutes of focused work. Small steps build momentum, and momentum leads to progress.


Build Your Strength and Resilience

Every time you take a step toward a solution, you’re building your resilience. Resilience is about how you bounce back from setbacks. It’s about using your determination and grit to keep going, even when things get tough.


Think about it like this:

  • Determination: Decide that you will find a way, no matter what.
  • Perseverance: Keep going, even when the path is hard.
  • Grit: Stay strong in the face of obstacles.
  • Strength: Believe in your ability to handle what comes your way.

Remember, your past does not define your future. Every new challenge is a chance to prove to yourself just how strong you are.


Flexibility Is Key

When you're focused on finding solutions, you become more flexible. Flexibility means being open to new ways of thinking and new ideas. It’s about adapting to the situation rather than being stuck in one way of doing things.


Ask yourself:

  • Is there another way to solve this problem?
  • Who can I talk to for advice or support?
  • What else could I try that I haven’t considered yet?

Being flexible allows you to see more options. It opens the door to creative solutions. Flexibility is not a sign of weakness. It shows you have the strength to adapt and keep moving forward.


Keep Your Eye on the Prize

It’s easy to feel stuck when things don’t go as planned. But remember, your focus determines your reality. If you focus on the problem, you see more problems. If you focus on solutions, you see more solutions.


Make a habit of asking yourself, “What’s one thing I can do right now to improve this situation?” Even when the problem seems big, breaking it down into smaller parts makes it feel manageable.


Think about the times in your life when you faced challenges and overcame them. What did you do? How did you find a way forward? Use those experiences as reminders of your tenacity and resolve.


Practice Self-Compassion

As you work toward solutions, remember to be kind to yourself. It’s normal to feel frustrated or scared. These feelings are okay. But don’t let them keep you from moving forward.


Practice self-compassion:

  • Remind yourself that it’s okay to make mistakes.
  • Be patient with yourself as you try new things.
  • Celebrate every small win along the way.

When you are kind to yourself, you build your inner strength. This makes it easier to stay focused on solutions rather than problems.


Conclusion: Take the First Step Today

Every journey begins with a single step. When faced with a challenge, don’t get stuck in what went wrong. Shift your focus to what you can do right now. Remember, you are more powerful than you think. Use your resilience, strength, and determination to find a way forward.


Takeaway: Next time you face a problem, ask yourself: “What’s one thing I can do right now to improve this situation?” Then, take that step. Every step counts. Start today.


If you have questions or would like to discuss this topic further, schedule a 15-minute call with me. Become the hero of your story!  💪🦋


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