Flourishing 101: Top 9 Ways To Live A No-Regrets Life

Are You Flourishing?
Flourishing takes a holistic approach to having a happy or good life. It encompasses positive emotions, activities, and life satisfaction that make people feel whole.
Another benefit of flourishing is resilience. When obstacles come your way, a positive outlook will find opportunities. Remember the saying that if you are thinking of buying a yellow car then you will see yellow cars everywhere? It's true.
Any Regrets?
One regret I have in life is that I didn't continue playing tennis after I graduated college. I was a tennis fanatic growing up.
It all started when my father let me tag along and watch him play tennis with his buddies. I begged him to teach me to play which he did for awhile but then he finally decided I needed to learn from a professional instructor.
In college I took a tennis class for P.E. (I thought easy A.) and my skill set was in the top half of our class. However, my weakness was my serve. I didn't know if I was going to serve the ball into the net, out of bounds or serve an ace. It was always a surprise because my windup was unnatural which embarrassed me.
We had a young man in our class who was a more advanced player than everyone else and had the arrogance to go with it. He thought easy A as well.
One day our tennis instructor picked partners to play doubles. I was excited when my instructor picked me to be his partner but then my excitement turned to despair when I realized our opposing team included Mr. Arrogance. Oh no! I'm going to embarrass myself with my serve and choke.
I didn't. My instructor believed in me even though I doubted myself. In fact, I served two aces against Mr. Arrogance! Trust me, I was every bit surprised as he was but I played it cool and acted like I meant to do that.
The reason I gave up tennis after college was that I didn't have anyone to play with unless I joined the local tennis club. I nixed that idea after getting a full-time job because I didn't have time to take lessons to fix my serve.
Oh, how I regret not pursuing tennis. I coulda been a contender...
A Second Chance To Start That Bucket List
Empty nesters and new retirees get an opportunity to evaluate their life and decide what to do with their new found freedom. They've been so busy raising a family and providing for them that now they can focus on their own dreams.
I'm in a similar situation. I've been an empty nester for a few years but I'm not a retiree. I'm a divorcee starting my second business and loving my new journey.
I've spent the past 30 years being a wife, mom, stepmom, caregiver and business partner. Now it's time to focus on my aspirational dreams.
I'm happier with my new found freedom and my family and friends notice it. Since my twin sister Lucy and I are coming up on a milestone birthday soon, we've decided to start living a no-regrets life.
How The Giggle Twins Live a No-Regrets Life
Lucy and I decided we aren't going to just sit and talk about what we'd like to do anymore, we are going to live it. No regrets, baby!
Lucy decided she wants to experience tandem skydiving on her milestone birthday. My son Justin, a former Infantry Soldier who's Airborne Qualified, is encouraging and supporting her crazy decision by jumping beside her to video her jump. We've had a lot of fun guessing what her facial expression will be before and after her jump.
I do NOT have a death wish like my twin sister so my milestone birthday present to myself will be to buy a small travel trailer so I can tour the United States. This is a gift that keeps on giving. Since I have a virtual business, I can take it on the road. Yes, I am that kind of wild and crazy gal.
Lucy will come along for weekend trips because of her job right now but once she retires the Giggle Twins Road Trip Adventures will begin. You'll know it's us by the big Giggle Twins caricature on the side of our camper. Videos, podcast, and website will be coming to a social media platform near you! Stay tuned!
9 Top Ways to Live a No-Regrets Life
Are you living a no-regrets life? You don't have to wait until you're an empty nester or retired. You can start right now with these nine top ways to live a no-regrets life.
1. Take ownership of your life. Are you living your aspirational dreams or are you living the life someone else set for you? If you have to suffer the consequences for your own actions then you should be the one in charge of your decisions. Pay attention to what you feel in your heart you are called to do in life and do it. Don't worry what others think you should do.
2. Close the door to prior regrets. Life is too short to live with coulda, shoulda, woulda regrets. There are some previous regrets we have to accept and move on. The important thing is to get out there and try again because there may be something better. (Example: I may not get back into tennis, but my sister Lucy and I could play as partners in Pickleball. Do you play?)
3. Feel that fear and do it anyway. What if you get to the end of your life and wish you didn't have so many regrets from your fear of failure? We all know that feeling right before making a decision of "What if?". It's okay to feel that feeling but do it anyway. So what if we fail, if we learned something then it becomes a lesson, not a failure. Example: What if I look funny trying to learn Pickleball? I'll get the hang of it the more I play and I understand other players are very helpful and supportive. What do I have to lose?
4. Don't hide your feelings. Is there someone you'd like to say "I'm sorry." or "Thank you." or "I love you."? Our days are numbered here on earth so don't wait to share your feelings with someone special. They might have been waiting a long time to hear you say those special words.
5. Take risks. Step out of your comfort zone and experience new things. You don't have to take giant steps. Baby steps are just fine and can be done each day. By stepping out of your comfort zone you'll achieve a more fulfilling life and a successful life. For more information, read my blog 6 Tips to Succeed and Not Quit After Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone.
6. Find humor in life. Life is too short to spend time worrying about things beyond our control. Find humor in life every day and increase your overall health. The key to having a more enjoyable life is to find the good in every situation. For more information, read my blog Resilience 101: How to Laugh Away Your Stress During Challenges.
7. Practice kindness. A smile or a kind gesture can make someone's day brighter. Being kind is an easy way to enhance our lives as well as others, whether we know them or not. Volunteering is a wonderful way to show kindness to others, including animals. For more information, read my blog 7 Reasons Why Volunteering Benefits Health and Builds Resilience.
8. Be authentic. Our uniqueness makes us who we are. Our beliefs, core values, personality traits, strengths and weaknesses prepare us for our purpose in life. By being authentic, we give others permission to do the same.
9. Live in the present. The past is the past and the future is uncertain. The present is a gift so treasure the moment. As we get older, time seems to fly by. I remember as a child I thought time moved too slowly. Make the most of each day and enjoy each moment. At the end of the day, list three to five things you are grateful for. And do it again the next day.
Remember that flourishing can take time, but we can make small changes each day to experience a more satisfying life.
What are your plans to live a no-regrets life? Are you living it now?
My Daily Mantra: Hunt the good stuff, find the humor, keep positive, and focus on your blessings. God can bring good out of every situation!
Life is Full of Unexpected Twists and Turns
Start managing obstacles and setbacks today with 20 proven resilience skills and strategies.
In the FREE Resource "20 Key Strategies to Strengthen Resilience & Embrace Change," you'll learn practical and achievable coping strategies and resilience skills to help you overcome difficulties with grace and strength.
These strategies are the ones I used, and now teach to my clients, to overcome bi-lateral breast cancer, losing my oldest son from suicide, a heart transplant, and a sudden divorce, all in a five-year period.
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